Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Birthday!!

Right now, my life would literally not make sense without you. You're my best friend and my #soulmate. I am so thankful to have you in my life and to experience this journey with you.

Kellie-Anne, happy birthday! I wish I were there with you.

You deserve nothing less than a perfect birthday! Love you!


Monday, April 18, 2011

"You have a drive to excel like I've never seen in anyone else."

It's been quite a while since the last post, and I must say - things have been hectic. I've been having these terrible headaches for the past little bit, but they weren't like anything I had experienced before so naturally, I was worried. It wasn't until after they had progressed to the point of me falling to my knees, did I decide that I needed to be seen at the ER. I was worried that it couldn't wait until my Annual Checkup with my PCM that following Friday. I consulted with the Boy, grabbed my purse - filled it with time-consuming goodies [because we all know how ridiculous the wait in the ER is], and headed off to the ER. As soon as I checked in, they brought me back for my vitals, and sent me immediately back into the ER Bays for examination. I told all the doctors my story, and they asked me, "Do you think it's serious enough that we should stick a needle in your back? Do you think it's Menegitis?" Well, I'm not a doctor, but I do know what I was feeling wasn't like any headache that I had ever experienced, so I consented to the Spinal Tap. After filling out the consent forms, they prepped the area and they proceeded to continue on with the procedure. It was honestly probably one of the scariest moments in my life. I HAD A NEEDLE PRODDING ME IN THE BACK FOR OVER AN HOUR. Please, tell me you wouldn't be scared to death.

After the procedure was over, and they sent it off to the lab - it was nothing but a waiting game. Waiting for over an hour and a half, I finally got the news that everything looked good. Well, if that's the case - then why am I having this horrible onset of headaches?
Fast forward three days post-Spinal Tap, and besides being sore as all get out, I'm starting to get jittery from the lack of physical activity. (When attempting to wash your back in the shower, or get dressed becomes a hassle, you KNOW something isn't right.} I decided to run outside for the first time at a PT test pace, and the first time at all post spinal tap, and I BLEW MY PT TEST TIMED RUN OUT OF THE WATER. Sure, I could feel the pressure in my back, but it felt so good to feel so free. When I looked down at my iPhone and say that I had beat my all-time best 1.5 mile, so many emotions flooded over me. 12:58 for 1.53 miles?! That had to be around 12:50 when I finished my 1.5 and that's five seconds faster than when I ran for my PT test in September 2010! I felt infinite. I really, really did.

Yesterday, I had a great day. I ended up logging 12.13 miles (!!!) after not logging for 3 days. I felt the need to knock out some serious project miles. Two weeks in, and my back is still sore from the Spinal Tap procedure. I mean, I know that it's going to take time to heal, but let me be honest - I'm a very inpatient person when it comes certian things. Healing being one of them. (Weird, right?)

I've had a wonderful support system so far for this project, and let me be the first to say that I am EXTREMELY glad that I have all of you guys behind Angela and I. It hasn't been easy. We're humans, we ache. We get sick. We have jobs. Hey, life happens. But I'm so glad that no matter how crappy of a day that I had at work, I can come and see nothing put positive things on my FaceBook page or on my Project Eleven Eleven Album. Even getting encouraging texts from the Boy, Angela, Jennifer and Jessica. It is an amazing feeling. <3

This is my milage for today. I'm not going to lie. As I'm typing this, I'm lathering my calves up with Tiger Balm, and soaking my feet in ice. I'm aching, yes. But you guys are my drive, and my determination to finish this project out strong. We are fastly approaching the end of the second month, and my 24th (!!!) birthday..

I guess time DOES go by fast when you're having a good time. :]

Thank YOU to anyone of you who has ever 'liked' a status, commented on a picture, or just thought positively about us and this project. We really could not do this without you.

Until next time,


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I honestly feel accomplished!

We are almost through the first week of April and already this project is.. a lot to handle. I know we said we were scared, that we knew it was going to be hard, but I honestly. Honestly, just, goodness.. Running that many miles isn't what is hard. It's the working it into a routine and not killing your body. It's missing events because you know you have to run later and seeing friends sometimes takes a back seat (I'm really sorry guys!!). It's looking at the elliptical and trying not to be disappointed that I only ran 3.11 miles in thirty minutes, or even worse, being disappointed that I ran only thirty minutes in the first place! That's just crazy!

It takes me a second to realize that I ran three miles in thirty minutes.. I ran three miles in thirty minutes!! That is nothing that I could have done last year.. Even at the end of last year! I am doing great and I should honestly be more proud of myself! So what's the deal?

I know what Kellie-Anne and I have accomplished so far is phenomenal, and even the progress we have made within the last three months is more than we could have even imagined: to date, Kellie-Anne has lost 24 pounds and I have lost 26.5 since the second week or so of January? Not to mention all the miles we have already ran prior to this project and all the miles we are planned to run afterward! It just makes me honestly dumbfounded why that stinkin' word is even in my vocabulary right now!

You know the only thing I should be disappointed in is that I forgot my shoes and a sports bra today. I knew I was out of it this morning , but cripes! I am so thankful for short days! My feel are achey and my back and shoulders hurt.. I must have really had my mind thrown! I guess I shouldn't be disappointed because I still ran in my casual shoes! I mean, I didn't go far, I would never suggest running like that, and I was already late to the gym so I didn't want to keep B. waiting so I didn't go home and get my stuff, but I still worked out and that is good. Go me!

The first picture I posted is of me in my new Threadless t-shirt, the amount of miles I have ran since March 1st, and my weight as of yesterday! I broke weight goal number two! Yeah, yeah! I'm happy as a clam! So the next bench mark for me is 145, but after that I think I'll try and tone up and maintain my weight. I think I'll start making timed mile goals. I really haven't thought this out very well yet haha. I am just glad that all the hard work I've been putting in has been paying off, and hasn't been a chore! I can not explain how incredibly lucky I am to love to run! It has made running this project and losing the weight do enjoyable for me!

The second picture is my shoes I wore today to work (with my Runnin' Rhino shirt), and to work out in, my elliptical from today and my plan to make up the miles for March!

I have almost made up my miles! I am at 19.53 miles already for April and we are only supposed to be at 13.08 miles right now! So I have 6.45 miles to subtract from March's 14.36 mile mishap that brings me to watawatcha: 7.91 miles to make up! Pumped! Should be done with the March snafu by Saturday night or Sunday morning!

Oh, and "watawatcha!" it the equivalent to the normal saying of, "drum roll, please!" in Angela's noise-isms.

Oh, before I forget! Shannon is one of my greatest friends, and legitimately an amazing writer (her blog, The Writers Closet, can be read here) has started her wedding planning, including her wedding body! I am so pumped for her and I am so excited to be able to encourage her and see her fall in love with a wedding dress and make that her goal! Dfhhddyjjgssjbcj SO EXCITED! like I love puppies excited!
:O !
Regardless, I just wanted to cheer her on and let her know that I have her back! I love you, Shan Shan!

I also wanted to say to Kellie-Anne and my big sister, Wendy, that I love you both and behind every step you've been there and that's more than I could ask for! You're amazing!
Thank you Joshua for noticing my changes and continuously reminding me that I was always beautiful and you're proud of me. I don't think you read this blog, but you're an amazing dude so thanks for pulling me back to reality when I'm being silly and answering questions about why my body does what it does and why I think like I do.
B. Thanks for running with me and understanding my babble, my bitching about the sweat in my eyes and understanding why I'm sad that Sex in the City or AMC isn't on at the gym. Over! Check!
My roommates, you know you're the best.
4Square at work (Cammy/Mary/Candance), Ashley, Greer, Richard you guys notice small things and thank God I have you guys or I honest would have blown up, or have died; literally. Also, thank you for not making fun of my yoga face and making my day.. always.
Amber & Patric, what would I ever do without you?
Allison F. & Sarah R., you two always comment on my stuff and you have no idea how elated that makes me and how full that makes my heart. Sounds lammeee but I love you both and you love me, so come to my castle so we can live happily ever after. The end.

I never have to remind myself that all this work was by me because I always have you guys to keep me grounded and sane. I could have never done this alone!

Well, now that I have wrote the thank-you's for my upcoming ukulele debut... my fingers are tired from typing, my legs from running, my body from working hard and my mind from existing. Time to pack my gym bag (my sports bras and my shoes included this time!), brush my teeth, wash my face and sleep for my early rise run that I'm crossing my fingers that I can actually do!


The direct link to my Runnin' Rhino Threadless t-shirt that I'm wearing in the photo! I love it!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Breathe, sweet child.

It's Monday. 4:03 PM. I should be at work, admitting and discharging patients. Instead, I'm at home - attempting to nurse myself back to health. I didn't run yesterday. Actually, to be completely honest - As soon as I got off work, I went to Wal-Mart to get some "Get Well" items to add to my arsenal, then came home and reaquainted myself with my bed. I didn't leave it till my alarm clock went off this morning at 0500. You see, I felt terrible about not running yesterday, so I wanted to get up a little earlier and head over to the Chaparral and log a couple miles before work this morning. Well, that didn't happen. I couldn't breathe when I woke up this morning. At all.

Well, to make a long story short - My supervisor let me have the day off to come home, rest and recover. Apparently I'm coming down with what feels like a strain of the Bubonic Plague (Not really, I'm exaggerating. :P ) I'm not too big on letting chores pile up, so I figured I'd do my laundry so I wouldn't have anything to do really on my off days this week. Well, sad to say that I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to fork out a pretty penny to replace both my ABU's and my blues uniforms. About three hundred dollars worth of uniforms. :// I'm still nursing myself with a cocktail of mucinex, sudafed, flonase, and puffs with lotion/vicks. I have no idea whats wrong with me, but I need to get better. AND FAST!

But! The real reason I'm writing this entry, and the real reason I'm SO SO SO excited!!

Yesterday as I was lying in bed, I received a Facebook Comment from one of the girls I got really close to while I was in Tech School. Her name is Jennifer. She's stationed in Nevada with a mutual friend of ours, Jessica. Jennifer hasn't seen me in the almost 2 years it's been since Tech School, and she was extremely impressed with the progress that I've made in that time. "Whats your secret?!" She asks. "No secret," I reply, "Just alot of gym time, and watching what I eat." I wake up little while later to a Facebook Notification of being tagged in a note.

When I read it, my heart was completely elated. Jennifer and Jessica had been inspired to start a project of their own! I've attached a link to the post, so that way you're able to view it if you'd like. Also, I'll be attaching both Jennifer and Jessica's Facebook profiles as well. Check in on them, motivate them. It's going to be one wild ride ladies, but I know that it can be accomplished!

Jessica's Facebook
Jennifer's Facebook

I am so anxious to follow these ladies on their quest to reach their fitness pinnacle, to get to where they want to be, and to see their bright and smiling faces as they cross that finish line.♥
You can do it!

Until next time;

On a side note:

Kellie-Anne and I just received one of the bigger compliments we could ever receive. I would like to congratulate both Jennifer and Jessica on their new journey. I will let Kellie-Anne explain what has happened, but I felt like it needed it's own announcement!

I am excited for you girls!


Out with the old, in with the new.

Today I figured out a few things: I am pretty unorganized. I need, legitimately, five ways to track everything to make sure I can log everything correctly: the iPhone application, Lose It! That both Kellie-Anne and I use; a planner so I can log the amount of time I ran, the miles I've ran, calories I burn and my weight; a personal records notebook so I can track the most amount of miles I've ran in one time frame; Facebook Project 11/11 photo album and my iPhone. I discovered that I need new running shoes. I realized that I haven't updated my quick stats in some time (I just did that so now everything is correct). I also realized I really like tuna. Delicious.

Most importantly I finally figured out all of my miles:
For March, I ran 53.22 miles. We were supposed to have ran 67.58 miles. That means for March that I am behind 14.36 miles.
For April, I have ran 9.5 miles so far. I should have logged 8.12 miles, including today, so currently I have ran .78 extra of a mile for April.
I figure that if I subtract that from the left over March miles, that would bring me down to 13.58 miles. Also, the amount of miles I run today would also be subtracted from that amount.

I am not a math wiz, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm completely pumped about this. I can keep up with April and run the extra miles from March by the end of the week! From there on out, I will be a organized runner that will update my miles in my books, on my website, and on my Facebook. Then I can be ahead by a trillion miles like Kellie-Anne. I can't wait until it's warm enough outside to run, then I will catch up, and then this will become entertaining.

Within the next month, I hope to introduce a few new features to the blog, change the layout and work out a few other kinks. Have any awesome suggestions? Comment below and I can possibly make it work! I also hope the weather breaks so Kellie-Anne and I can start playing Nike Tag, if we can figure it out! That will be fun and will be a new motivator for us!

Things to look forward to: Reaching my new weight goal (150; currently 0.5 pounds away!), mine and Kellie-Anne's body update on the 7th, running my first 10k on the elliptical, running OUTSIDE, Nike Tag, running my first race, running one with: Wendy, KA and B, and finally catching up and pulling forward in my miles for the project!

Current miles ran: 62.72

I still think that's kind of awesome. :)


Saturday, April 2, 2011

One Month Down!

In a blink of an eye, it seems as if March just flew by. It's crazy to think that it's already April. It feels like just yesterday I was visiting friends in New Mexico for New Years, and now here we are -- 4 weeks away from my birthday, and one month into an eight-month running project. I can't believe that in just four weeks, I'll be 24 years old. What's even more difficult to wrap my mind around? I was updating my Project album on Facebook this morning, and I just realized that I ran 91.91 miles for the first month of this project. NINETY-ONE. With 91 miles under my belt, I've set myself ahead 24.33 Miles for the month of April. Which is a good little coushin to have since yesterday I didn't run AT ALL. I walked over to the Chaparral Fitness Center ( CFC - for short. :] SEE WHAT I DID THERE?! ) (1.5 mile walk each way) with the intentions of logging some project miles, and hitting the weight room for leg day. I absolutely LOVE working my legs. Probably to the point where it's an obsession? Whatever - Not the point. Point is : Note to self - Do not hit the weights before running ever again. I did NOT want to run. AT ALL. So I didn't. I was still happy with the 3 miles that I logged walking to and from, but March was full of so many firsts for me. Not only did I finally meet my first weight loss goal of 149, right now I'm proud to say that I'm weighing in at 146.8 as of this morning. I'm noticing that my legs are slimming down and getting more tone with the amount of miles I'm logging. I bought my first pair of single digit size pants of my adult life. That alone was almost enough to make me want to break down into tears. Me.. In a size NINE! God. Words fail when I try to put them into a coherent sentence of how excited I am about this. Like I mentioned before, We're in April - and even with the lack of updating (I'm currently working 12 hour shifts, 8a-8p and just the everyday hustle and busle that comes with Military life, juggling a relationship, friends and family - I just feel like I've neglected to write in this. For that, I'm sorry. I want to take this time to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart for everyone that follows this project. For all the Facebook comments, status likes, RT's on Twitter, and the random person who accidently ended up on this blog because Google likes to be funny sometimes - Thank you. Without your dedication to this project, I can't fully say that I would have the motivation and dedication to get up and run everyday. You guys are counting on us, and that enough is all that I need to get through the day. I have a doctors Appointment on the 15th with my PCM (Primary Care for Medical Purposes AKA Doctor, ) And I'm actually REALLY looking forward to it. I'm going to bring up the Project and seek her advice on any remedies for achey legs, knees and/or anything else I might encounter in the next seven (!!!) months. Also, I'm going to seek a referral to see a Nutritionist/Dietician. I know I'm down 23 pounds from where I started, but I want to make sure that I'm doing this the right way, and that I'm helping and not hindering myself. 23.2 pounds, and eight months down and I'm only just a small portion into this journey. I'm stoked to see where it's going to take me. As running is concerned? I'm planning on going out to Ohio this summer to see Angela, we'll probably run a race or two together, and just catch up in general. I knew that when this year started that it felt like it was going to be MY year. We're only 4 months in - but so far, it looks promising. <3