It's been quite a while since the last post, and I must say - things have been hectic. I've been having these terrible headaches for the past little bit, but they weren't like anything I had experienced before so naturally, I was worried. It wasn't until after they had progressed to the point of me falling to my knees, did I decide that I needed to be seen at the ER. I was worried that it couldn't wait until my Annual Checkup with my PCM that following Friday. I consulted with the Boy, grabbed my purse - filled it with time-consuming goodies [because we all know how ridiculous the wait in the ER is], and headed off to the ER. As soon as I checked in, they brought me back for my vitals, and sent me immediately back into the ER Bays for examination. I told all the doctors my story, and they asked me, "Do you think it's serious enough that we should stick a needle in your back? Do you think it's Menegitis?" Well, I'm not a doctor, but I do know what I was feeling wasn't like any headache that I had ever experienced, so I consented to the Spinal Tap. After filling out the consent forms, they prepped the area and they proceeded to continue on with the procedure. It was honestly probably one of the scariest moments in my life. I HAD A NEEDLE PRODDING ME IN THE BACK FOR OVER AN HOUR. Please, tell me you wouldn't be scared to death.
After the procedure was over, and they sent it off to the lab - it was nothing but a waiting game. Waiting for over an hour and a half, I finally got the news that everything looked good. Well, if that's the case - then why am I having this horrible onset of headaches?
Fast forward three days post-Spinal Tap, and besides being sore as all get out, I'm starting to get jittery from the lack of physical activity. (When attempting to wash your back in the shower, or get dressed becomes a hassle, you KNOW something isn't right.} I decided to run outside for the first time at a PT test pace, and the first time at all post spinal tap, and I BLEW MY PT TEST TIMED RUN OUT OF THE WATER. Sure, I could feel the pressure in my back, but it felt so good to feel so free. When I looked down at my iPhone and say that I had beat my all-time best 1.5 mile, so many emotions flooded over me. 12:58 for 1.53 miles?! That had to be around 12:50 when I finished my 1.5 and that's five seconds faster than when I ran for my PT test in September 2010! I felt infinite. I really, really did.
Yesterday, I had a great day. I ended up logging 12.13 miles (!!!) after not logging for 3 days. I felt the need to knock out some serious project miles. Two weeks in, and my back is still sore from the Spinal Tap procedure. I mean, I know that it's going to take time to heal, but let me be honest - I'm a very inpatient person when it comes certian things. Healing being one of them. (Weird, right?)
I've had a wonderful support system so far for this project, and let me be the first to say that I am EXTREMELY glad that I have all of you guys behind Angela and I. It hasn't been easy. We're humans, we ache. We get sick. We have jobs. Hey, life happens. But I'm so glad that no matter how crappy of a day that I had at work, I can come and see nothing put positive things on my FaceBook page or on my Project Eleven Eleven Album. Even getting encouraging texts from the Boy, Angela, Jennifer and Jessica. It is an amazing feeling. <3
This is my milage for today. I'm not going to lie. As I'm typing this, I'm lathering my calves up with Tiger Balm, and soaking my feet in ice. I'm aching, yes. But you guys are my drive, and my determination to finish this project out strong. We are fastly approaching the end of the second month, and my 24th (!!!) birthday..
I guess time DOES go by fast when you're having a good time. :]
Thank YOU to anyone of you who has ever 'liked' a status, commented on a picture, or just thought positively about us and this project. We really could not do this without you.
Until next time,
All I have to say is WOW!!! You have inspired me a great deal over the short time that I have known you. I have read a few of the blogs posted by yourself and Angela. It takes a lot to inspire me and you have come a great length since the beginning of this project. I commend you on your dedication an drive to accomplish such a great goal. You have sparked something inside me that makes me want to get back to a regular running routine. If you ever need a running partner please feel free to call me. I cannot promise I will be able to keep up with you, but I will surely try. Keep up the great work Ladies!!!
Thank you, Ben! We both appreciate all the kind words! Thank you for your contuinued support towards our project!