Monday, April 4, 2011

Breathe, sweet child.

It's Monday. 4:03 PM. I should be at work, admitting and discharging patients. Instead, I'm at home - attempting to nurse myself back to health. I didn't run yesterday. Actually, to be completely honest - As soon as I got off work, I went to Wal-Mart to get some "Get Well" items to add to my arsenal, then came home and reaquainted myself with my bed. I didn't leave it till my alarm clock went off this morning at 0500. You see, I felt terrible about not running yesterday, so I wanted to get up a little earlier and head over to the Chaparral and log a couple miles before work this morning. Well, that didn't happen. I couldn't breathe when I woke up this morning. At all.

Well, to make a long story short - My supervisor let me have the day off to come home, rest and recover. Apparently I'm coming down with what feels like a strain of the Bubonic Plague (Not really, I'm exaggerating. :P ) I'm not too big on letting chores pile up, so I figured I'd do my laundry so I wouldn't have anything to do really on my off days this week. Well, sad to say that I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to fork out a pretty penny to replace both my ABU's and my blues uniforms. About three hundred dollars worth of uniforms. :// I'm still nursing myself with a cocktail of mucinex, sudafed, flonase, and puffs with lotion/vicks. I have no idea whats wrong with me, but I need to get better. AND FAST!

But! The real reason I'm writing this entry, and the real reason I'm SO SO SO excited!!

Yesterday as I was lying in bed, I received a Facebook Comment from one of the girls I got really close to while I was in Tech School. Her name is Jennifer. She's stationed in Nevada with a mutual friend of ours, Jessica. Jennifer hasn't seen me in the almost 2 years it's been since Tech School, and she was extremely impressed with the progress that I've made in that time. "Whats your secret?!" She asks. "No secret," I reply, "Just alot of gym time, and watching what I eat." I wake up little while later to a Facebook Notification of being tagged in a note.

When I read it, my heart was completely elated. Jennifer and Jessica had been inspired to start a project of their own! I've attached a link to the post, so that way you're able to view it if you'd like. Also, I'll be attaching both Jennifer and Jessica's Facebook profiles as well. Check in on them, motivate them. It's going to be one wild ride ladies, but I know that it can be accomplished!

Jessica's Facebook
Jennifer's Facebook

I am so anxious to follow these ladies on their quest to reach their fitness pinnacle, to get to where they want to be, and to see their bright and smiling faces as they cross that finish line.♥
You can do it!

Until next time;

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